Get to Know Us
Podcasts and Interviews with Our AMAZING Community Partners
Redemption Podcast
Annie has a conversation with Staci and Juliah from My House, a Wasilla, Alaska-based non-profit.
My House's vision is to end homelessness.
Their mission is for all youth experiencing homelessness, and youth at risk of becoming homeless, to be empowered to be contributing, self-supporting members of their community. They provide safe shelter and wrap-around services for youth with a hand-up not a hand-out philosophy.
Check them out at:
Contact Tracing Conversations
with the
Alaska Teen Media Institute
The mission of the Alaska Teen Media Institute is to provide teens with the tools and training needed to produce stories and with the opportunity for their stories – told in their own voices – to be shared through a variety of media. ATMI believes the teen perspective is valuable and is under-represented. Alaska Teen Media Institute is a program of Spirit of Youth 501(c) 3.
Check them out at:
Contact tracing is an essential part of combating the spread of Covid-19. Not only do contact tracers work to discover where a person infected with the coronavirus may have contracted it, they also attempt to inform others about possible infection. But there is a lot more to the complicated work that they do.
In this episode we’ll be hearing from Annie Thomas. She’s been a nurse for about fifteen years, and currently she is the project manager for the UAA Surge Contact Tracing team. She is also the owner of Managing Me Enterprises which does retreats for teens to help them build community cohesion and resilience.
ATMI producer Ryan Danigole spoke with Annie about the ins and outs of contact tracing, the difficulties in obtaining pertinent information, how the coronavirus has affected her family, and much more.
They spoke on November 5th, 2020.
Hosted by Rowan Pickard.
Music by Devin Shreckengost and Kendrick Whiteman.